Jurnal Kebidanan

Submitted by anggi on Mon, 10/14/2024 - 10:13
Jurnal Kebidanan
Kala Terbit
Jurnal Kebidanan is an electronic journal published by Program Studi Kebidanan, Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia. This journal contains scientific articles about Pregnancy, Maternity, Childbed, Neonates, Infant, Under-fives and Pre-school Children, Family Planning, Reproduction Health, Adolescent Health, Elderly Health, Maternal Health, Child Health. Jurnal Kebidanan was firstly published in August 2012. This journal is published twice a year, such as in February and August. Accepted articles will be published with an In-Press number prior to issuing the regular number. Authors need to obey the writing guidelines in Jurnal Kebidanan to submit an article. Each author should register before submitting an article. And for those already having an account in Jurnal Kebidanan, they can directly log in.