Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection

Submitted by nisapusdu on Mon, 09/30/2024 - 11:58
Daftar Isi


Volume 57, Issue 5 

Pages 669-832 (October 2024)

Volume 57, Issue 4 

Pages 523-668 (August 2024)

Volume 57, Issue 3 

Pages 343-522 (June 2024)

Volume 57, Issue 2 

Pages 211-342 (April 2024)

Volume 57, Issue 1 

Pages 1-210 (February 2024)



Volume 56, Issue 6 

Pages 1121-1300 (December 2023)

Volume 56, Issue 5 

Pages 893-1120 (October 2023)

Volume 56, Issue 4 

Pages 653-892 (August 2023)

Volume 56, Issue 3 

Pages 433-652 (June 2023)

Volume 56, Issue 2 

Pages 207-432 (April 2023)

Volume 56, Issue 1 

Pages 1-206 (February 2023)



Volume 55, Issue 6, Part 2 

Pages 1135-1336 (December 2022)

Volume 55, Issue 6, Part 1 

Pages 985-1134 (December 2022)

Volume 55, Issue 5 

Pages 787-984 (October 2022)

Volume 55, Issue 4 

Pages 561-786 (August 2022)

Volume 55, Issue 3 

Pages 359-560 (June 2022)

Volume 55, Issue 2 

Pages 183-358 (April 2022)

Volume 55, Issue 1 

Pages 1-182 (February 2022)



Volume 54, Issue 6 

Pages 1011-1192 (December 2021)

Volume 54, Issue 5 

Pages 767-1010 (October 2021)

Volume 54, Issue 4 

Pages 541-766 (August 2021)

Volume 54, Issue 3 

Pages 341-540 (June 2021)

Volume 54, Issue 2 

Pages 159-340 (April 2021)

Volume 54, Issue 1 

Pages 1-158 (February 2021)



Volume 53, Issue 6 

Pages 827-1050 (December 2020)

Volume 53, Issue 5 

Pages 671-826 (October 2020)

Volume 53, Issue 4 

Pages 505-670 (August 2020)

Volume 53, Issue 3 

Pages 363-504 (June 2020)

Volume 53, Issue 2 

Pages 191-362 (April 2020)

Volume 53, Issue 1 

Pages 1-190 (February 2020)

Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection
Kala Terbit
Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection is a peer reviewed, open access journal.

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